Astrology Readings & Offerings

About Astrology with Lara💫

As a certified astrologer, I want to empower people to live their most magical lives by living in alignment with the cycles of the seasons, the moon and the planets. Seeking to teach and inform from a place of openness and simplicity, I hope to help each person I work with come away with a clearer understanding of the aspects of their chart we worked on and practical ways to apply that knowledge in their lives. Click on price to purchase.

Natal Chart Reading

A aprx. 1500 word written report of reviewing your natal chart including a review of all 12 houses, the placements of the planets and other key aspects.


Delivered within 30 days of purchase


Big Three & Introduction to Your Chart

A live Zoom session reading where we explore your chart including your big three (Sun, Moon and Rising sign) and personal planet placements as you learn about how to read and integrate the information into your life; includes guided reflection and time for questions (Session is recorded for you to refer back to)

60 minutes

Purchase here: $333

Delivered within 30 Days of Purchase

Other Written and/or Pre-Recorded Readings

Align with the Astrological Seasons

A mini-reading providing a snapshot of what the upcoming astrological season activates in your chart along with the full and new moon focuses for you during that time complete with journal prompts. Reading delivered monthly to your in box.

NOTE: (available for purchase up to the 15th of each month for the next astrological season ex: to purchase the Aquarius Season reading, buy by January 10th - readings delivered by the 21st)

$33 for one or $333 for the year*

Click on Price to Purchase

*introductory offer pricing

(Limited Availability)

Photo Unsplash @2hmedia

Photo Unsplash @colorcrescent

Understanding Your Signature Astrological Signs

A recorded 20 - 30 min reading of the dominant archetypes in your chart and suggestions for how to use them to deepen your understanding of your chart and yourself.

In Jungian psychology, archetypes are collective patterns of thoughts or symbols that are held in our unconscious minds. In the Celestial Alchemy Astrology method, understanding the dominant archetypes present in your natal chart can help you relate to and embody the traits of that sign in order to better work with them in your life. Reading includes top 3 - 4 dominant archetypes and suggestions for how to work with them.

Purchase Here: $111

Delivered within 30 Days of Purchase

Written with 1:1 Live Q&A

Divine Feminine Astrological Reading

Would you like to understand your own unique feminine energetic signature based on your astrological chart? Are you at a major turning point in your life and looking for support? Do you want to feel more connected to the feminine energy within you? If so, then a Divine Feminine Astrological chart reading is right for you.

We all hold the spectrum of both masculine and feminine energy within us. Looking at the divine feminine energy in your astrological chart can lead you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your self care needs.

This knowledge can inform your daily practices and decisions as well as assist you in personal transformation as you approach major transitions or milestones in your life. Unfortunately, the Divine Feminine has been marginalized by our predominantly patriarchal society and given us only the binary options of embracing our feminine or masculine sides. As in all of nature, there is balance to be had between our male and female energies - neither is better than the other, but we need aspects of both to be whole. Learning to uncover and work with our feminine energy offers us the ability to feel more connected to our authentic selves and a part of the greater cycle of nature.

Reading includes written report, a 20 minute call for review/questions and suggestions for next steps in applying this knowledge in your daily life. Introductory Offer - $222

Click Here to Purchase

Delivered within 30 Days of Purchase