Scorpio Season

And Learning to Listen to My Intuition

Mom’s Journal


Welcome to Scorpio season! This season begins on October 23 when the sun reaches zero degrees of Scorpio, a fixed water sign that holds the archetypal energy of the witch. The zodiac sign of personal introspection, power and transformation, Scorpio asks us to investigate and uncover things in our subconscious that we need to bring to the surface. You can do this through such methods as shadow work, meditation, journaling or even seeking professional help such as therapy or counseling.

Scorpio season also contains the many different observances and celebrations honoring those who are no longer with us and our on ancestral lines including Samhain, Día de la Muertos, Halloween, All Soul’s Day and All Saints Day among them. It is thought that the veil between the physical and spiritual plane is thinner this time of year, so it is easier to feel the presence of departed love ones. I encourage seeking ways to honor and connect with those dearest to you who have crossed over perhaps by visiting their burial places, exploring their favorite places, eating foods they loved and/or by just allowing space to enjoy the memories of your time spent with them. In these ways, we can ensure that they never leave us completely.


This season is also a time to allow yourself to trust your intuition. In the last few years, I have certainly learned to hone my own intuition by being more aware of and heeding her calls but I still need the occasional reminder.. A few weeks ago, I kept having the same intuitive pull. In going through mom’s things, I found a journal of hers that only had a few pages of entry in the front of it, and the rest was blank. I started using it to write notes or have conversations with her when missing her would become difficult to bear.

In the last year, I had been visiting the journal much less. The beginning of this month, I kept thinking that I wanted to talk to mom, and I should make time to write to her in her journal for a deeper conversation. Of course, everything else kept getting in the way. On a particularly difficult day of dealing with the aftermath of my dad’s hurtful post death machinations, I felt the call again. This time, I stopped what I was doing, went to my meditation room and pulled out the journal and started writing to her.

As I finished a page and turned to the next, there was writing there with another entry from my mom that I had not realized was there (not sure why she skipped so many pages). It was from February, 1993. I would have been 24 years old. Mom talked about all the things important to her - her friends, her husband and her children. She was so excited that I was coming down to visit her in March. She also clearly discussed her dealing with depression and the things that helped and made her feel better. Was the entry life changing, no. Did it soothe my ache from not being able to talk to her, yes. It also gave me more insight into my mom’s life at a time when I was not around that often since I lived out of state.

I feel like mom had been speaking to me through my intuition to lead me to see that journal entry. Reading it shifted some of my feelings of anger toward my dad and put a salve on my grief. Most importantly, it reminded me of the deep, unconditional love that mom gave to her family. That kind of love never dies.


Thanks & Giving


October & Personal Seasons