October & Personal Seasons

πŸŽƒ It’s October! And yes, all my halloween decorations are already up as I love this time of year. Here are some of my favorite things to do this month:

Decorate the house
🍁 Bake pumpkin bread and apple cake
🍁 Take walks in the woods
🍁 Drink warm chai apple cider (recipe below)
🍁 Make chili and other soups/stews 
🍁 Watch scary movies
🍁 Go to an apple orchard
🍁 Enjoy bonfires and lit fire tables in the evening
🍁 Fall home cleaning

I have always been energized and excited for this time of year. I thought that this burst of energy was because fall is my favorite season, however, I recently learned about the concept of personal seasons in my Celestial Alchemy astrology certification and this really resonated with me. Based on my rising sign, Scorpio, my Personal Spring actually occurs from October to January. This makes perfect sense to me since I have the most energy, start new things, celebrate all the holidays and even do a β€˜spring’ cleaning every year at this time. I also do an annual fall healthy restart to re-commit and/or change my wellness habits and lifestyle.

Since this is my personal spring, my personal summer occurs from January to April, personal autumn from April to July and then my personal winter from July to October. This explains why I have often felt out of sync with the collective energies of the seasons. For example, I like to take vacations and rest and relax during the first part of the year but during the months of July to mid- September when many take summer vacations, I tend to want to go inward and become more reflective  - in essence, my activities reflect more β€˜winter’ energy. Although this concept may not resonate with everyone, for me it brought into focus the way my energy does not coincide with the seasons and empowered me to embrace my own personal seasonal rhythms instead of trying to fit into the calendar’s. 

HEALTH & WELLNESS: Whether or not this is your personal spring, this is the perfect time to make changes to and prioritize your health and wellness goals and supporting routines. Filling up your physical, emotional and spiritual cups right now will help you to be restored and ready for the upcoming busy holiday season. For me, a month of back issues has definitely taught me that I need to be a lot more proactive with preventive care for my sacroiliitis, so I am adding some yoga therapy and an SI treatment to my physical regimen. What needs to change in your practices to better support you?

*Celestial Alchemy astrology with Tenae Stewart


Scorpio Season


Welcome Fall!