Your Astrological Big Three & Other Surprises
For the past 5 months and continuing through the next few, I have been taking an Astrology certification program (Celestial Alchemy Astrology Certification with Tenae Stewart of Lupine Hollow). I have always loved Astronomy (it was even one of the Sciences I took in college), so I thought why not look into this additional way of seeing the cosmos and how it impacts us on a more personal level. Astronomy definitely factors into Astrology but wow, have I learned some things which have totally given me a different perspective and new respect for Astrology as a whole. For example, did you know that your personal natal chart for the exact moment in time you were born only repeats itself once every 20-30,000 years - which makes it highly individualized and kind of like a thumbprint?! Here are a few more of the WOW! moments I have had so far:
Did you know that professional horoscopes are actually written for our Rising Sign NOT our Sun Sign (i.e. birth sign)? That’s right, if you were born on January 6th and have read the Capricorn horoscope all your life, you have been reading the wrong one! (unless your rising sign is also in Capricorn)
Related to the above, there are actually 3 important things to know about your own birth chart: Your Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign - referred to as your astrological big three. The next three WOWs cover what those represent.
Your ☀️ sun sign represents your joy, happiness, and what lights you up.
Your 🌙 moon sign represents your inner life, emotions, intuition, self care and what you need to feel safe and supportive.
Your 💫 rising sign (also called the Ascendant) is the first aspect of your personality that most people come into contact with and represents your identity and the most outer facing expression of your personality and core essence.
I hope you found some of these Wow! moments interesting as well. If you don’t know your Sun. Moon and/or Rising sign, send me a message with your birthdate, location and time of birth, and I will email them to you. I will share more fun facts in upcoming issues as well as offering some chart readings soon. Also, right before the Fall Equinox (Mabon), I will share ideas for how to celebrate it and some of its history. Until then, take some time to go outside and look up at the stars.🌟